Thank you girls so much for joining me in sending love to the soldiers in Kuwait!
Sign-up is still open HERE!
I wanted to clarify a couple things.
1. You don't have to use a shoe box. That was just a suggestion. But feel free to use any box! Smaller than a shoe box is fine! A padded envelope is fine. Anything that you can contribute will be appreciated!
2. So far, I think we have 14 of us. So $6.00 (not $10.00) is what you can include in your package. This will go towards our shipping cost and a donation to the program.
3. Shirley said that she's going to send some DVD's that she has. This is great! If you have books, magazines, or DVD's that aren't getting used at home then by all means, send those things.
4. Any Valentine's Cards that we send can't be in sealed envelopes. So just tuck them in your package as is. I think I'll put each one in a plain white envelope, stamp a heart on the outside, and write "To Any Soldier" on the front. If the card looks like it's for a girl, I'll be sure to put "To Any Girl Soldier". Feel free to write your name and email address on any card that you send. The site says that many soldiers like to send emails of thanks, but that we shouldn't expect them to...which of course we wouldn't. :)
5. I hate to rush anyone, but the sooner the better as far as sending your package to me.
It would be great if I could ship the large boxes to Kuwait by January 12th. So I'd need to receive them by the 10th at the latest. I know this is tough! I'm sorry!
6. Email me if you don't have my mailing address or have any questions at all!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate that you girls signed up to do this with me.
I want 2015 to be less about myself, and more about helping we are all off to a great start!
Hugs- Erica :)